home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #! /bin/sh
- set -e
- . /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
- if [ "$1" ]; then
- export LANG=C # avoid locale errors from perl
- ROOT="$1"
- chroot=chroot
- log='log-output -t user-setup'
- else
- chroot=
- log=
- fi
- . /usr/lib/user-setup/functions.sh
- # Set a password, via chpasswd.
- # Use a heredoc rather than echo, to avoid the password
- # showing in the process table. (However, this is normally
- # only called when first installing the system, when root has no
- # password at all, so that should be an unnecessary precaution).
- #
- # Pass in four arguments: the user, the password, 'true' if the
- # password has been pre-crypted (by preseeding), and a 'true' if
- # the home directory is encrypted
- setpassword () {
- USER="$1"
- PASSWD="$2"
- local VERSION=$($chroot $ROOT dpkg-query -W -f '${Version}\n' passwd)
- PAM_SET_PWD=false
- if $chroot $ROOT dpkg --compare-versions "$VERSION" ge "1:4.1.4-1"; then
- # support for versions with PAM support (Squeeze)
- PAM_SET_PWD=true
- if [ "$3" = true ]; then
- $chroot $ROOT usermod --password=$PASSWD $USER
- else
- $chroot $ROOT chpasswd <<EOF
- fi
- else
- # compatibility support for versions without PAM support (Lenny)
- local OPTS
- if [ "$3" = true ]; then
- OPTS=-e
- else
- OPTS=-m
- fi
- $chroot $ROOT chpasswd $OPTS <<EOF
- fi
- # If the password was set using PAM, pam_ecryptfs will handle the initial
- # passphrase wrapping. Otherwise, we need this hack...
- if [ "$4" = true ] && [ "$PAM_SET_PWD" = false ]; then
- if [ -e "$UNWRAPPED_PASSPHRASE_FILE" ]; then
- WRAPPED_PASSPHRASE_FILE=/home/$USER/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase
- $chroot $ROOT ecryptfs-wrap-passphrase $WRAPPED_PASSPHRASE_FILE - <<EOF
- else
- echo "$UNWRAPPED_PASSPHRASE_FILE does not exist, but should!" >&2
- db_input critical user-setup/encrypt-home-failed || true
- db_go || true
- fi
- fi
- }
- # Enable/disable shadow passwords.
- db_get passwd/shadow
- if [ "$RET" = true ]; then
- $log $chroot $ROOT shadowconfig on
- else
- $log $chroot $ROOT shadowconfig off
- fi
- if ! root_password; then
- # Was the root password preseeded encrypted?
- if db_get passwd/root-password-crypted && [ "$RET" ]; then
- # The root password was preseeded encrypted.
- else
- db_get passwd/root-password
- fi
- # Clear the root password from the database, and set the password.
- db_set passwd/root-password-crypted ''
- db_set passwd/root-password ''
- db_set passwd/root-password-again ''
- if [ "$ROOT_PW" ]; then
- setpassword root "$ROOT_PW" "$PRECRYPTED"
- fi
- else
- # Just in case, clear any preseeded root password from the database
- # anyway.
- db_set passwd/root-password-crypted ''
- db_set passwd/root-password ''
- db_set passwd/root-password-again ''
- fi
- db_get passwd/make-user
- if [ "$RET" = true ] && ! is_system_user; then
- if db_get passwd/user-password-crypted && [ "$RET" ]; then
- else
- db_get passwd/user-password
- fi
- if db_get passwd/user-uid && [ "$RET" ]; then
- if [ -x $ROOT/usr/sbin/adduser ]; then
- UIDOPT="--uid $RET"
- else
- UIDOPT="-u $RET"
- fi
- else
- fi
- ENCRYPT_HOME="false"
- db_get user-setup/encrypt-home
- if [ "$RET" = true ]; then
- ENCRYPT_HOME_OPT="--encrypt-home"
- if type anna-install >/dev/null 2>&1 && [ -d /lib/debian-installer ]; then
- ANNA_QUIET=1 DEBIAN_FRONTEND=none $log anna-install crypto-modules || true
- depmod -a >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
- fi
- for module in aes cbc ecb; do
- modprobe -q "$module" || true
- done
- umountproc=false
- umountdev=false
- if [ ! -e $ROOT/proc/cmdline ]; then
- $log $chroot $ROOT mount -t proc proc /proc
- umountproc=:
- fi
- if [ ! -e $ROOT/dev/null ]; then
- mount --bind /dev $ROOT/dev
- umountdev=:
- fi
- if ! $log $chroot $ROOT ecryptfs-setup-swap -f -n; then
- echo "ecryptfs-setup-swap failed." >&2
- db_input critical user-setup/encrypt-home-failed || true
- db_go || true
- ENCRYPT_HOME="false"
- fi
- if $umountproc; then
- $log $chroot $ROOT umount /proc
- fi
- if $umountdev; then
- umount $ROOT/dev
- fi
- fi
- # Add the user to the database, using adduser in noninteractive
- # mode.
- db_get passwd/username
- db_get passwd/user-fullname
- if [ -d "$ROOT/home/$USER" ]; then
- # user-setup-ask shouldn't have allowed this, but for safety:
- ENCRYPT_HOME="false"
- fi
- umountsys=false
- if [ -n "$ENCRYPT_HOME_OPT" ]; then
- if [ ! -e $ROOT/sys/kernel ]; then
- $log $chroot $ROOT mount -t sysfs sysfs /sys
- umountsys=:
- fi
- $log $chroot $ROOT mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /dev/shm
- fi
- if [ -x $ROOT/usr/sbin/adduser ]; then
- $log $chroot $ROOT adduser --disabled-password --gecos "$RET" $UIDOPT $ENCRYPT_HOME_OPT "$USER" >/dev/null || true
- else
- $log $chroot $ROOT useradd -c "$RET" -m "$USER" $UIDOPT >/dev/null || true
- fi
- # Clear the user password from the database.
- db_set passwd/user-password-crypted ''
- db_set passwd/user-password ''
- db_set passwd/user-password-again ''
- if [ -n "$ENCRYPT_HOME_OPT" ]; then
- if $umountsys; then
- $log $chroot $ROOT umount /sys
- fi
- $log $chroot $ROOT umount /dev/shm
- fi
- if [ "$HOME_EXISTED" ]; then
- # The user's home directory already existed before we called
- # adduser. This often means that a mount point under
- # /home/$USER was selected in (and thus created by) partman,
- # and the home directory may have ended up owned by root.
- $log $chroot $ROOT chown "$USER:$USER" "/home/$USER" >/dev/null || true
- fi
- if [ -n "$USER" ]; then
- for group in lpadmin sambashare; do
- $log $chroot $ROOT addgroup --system $group >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
- done
- if type archdetect >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- SUBARCH="$(archdetect)"
- case $SUBARCH in
- powerpc/ps3|powerpc/cell)
- $log $chroot $ROOT addgroup --system spu >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- db_get passwd/user-default-groups
- for group in $RET; do
- $log $chroot $ROOT adduser "$USER" $group >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
- done
- # Configure desktop auto-login if instructed by preseeding
- db_get passwd/auto-login
- if [ "$RET" = true ]; then
- db_get passwd/auto-login-backup
- BACKUP="${RET:+.$RET}"
- if [ -d "$ROOT/etc/gdm" ]; then
- # Configure GDM autologin
- if [ -e "$ROOT/etc/gdm/custom.conf" ] && [ "$BACKUP" ]; then
- mv "$ROOT/etc/gdm/custom.conf" "$ROOT/etc/gdm/custom.conf$BACKUP"
- fi
- cat > $ROOT/etc/gdm/custom.conf <<EOF
- [daemon]
- AutomaticLoginEnable=true
- AutomaticLogin=$USER
- TimedLoginEnable=true
- TimedLogin=$USER
- TimedLoginDelay=10
- fi
- if $chroot $ROOT [ -f /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc ]; then
- # Configure KDM autologin
- $log $chroot $ROOT sed -i$BACKUP -r \
- -e "s/^#?AutoLoginEnable=.*\$/AutoLoginEnable=true/" \
- -e "s/^#?AutoLoginUser=.*\$/AutoLoginUser=$USER/" \
- -e "s/^#?AutoReLogin=.*\$/AutoReLogin=true/" \
- /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc
- fi
- fi
- fi
- db_get passwd/root-login
- if [ "$RET" = false ] && [ -n "$USER" ]; then
- # Ensure sudo is installed, and set up the user to be able
- # to use it.
- if [ ! -e $ROOT/etc/sudoers ]; then
- # try to work in d-i and out; it's better to
- # use apt-install in d-i
- apt-install sudo 2>/dev/null || $log $chroot $ROOT apt-get -q -y install sudo || true
- fi
- if [ -e $ROOT/etc/sudoers ]; then
- $log $chroot $ROOT addgroup --system admin >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
- $log $chroot $ROOT adduser "$USER" admin >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
- cat <<EOF >>$ROOT/etc/sudoers
- # Members of the admin group may gain root privileges
- %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL
- else
- # sudo failed to install, system won't be usable
- exit 1
- fi
- # Configure gksu to use sudo, via an alternative, if it's
- # installed and the alternative is registered.
- if $chroot $ROOT update-alternatives --display libgksu-gconf-defaults >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- $log $chroot $ROOT update-alternatives --set libgksu-gconf-defaults /usr/share/libgksu/debian/gconf-defaults.libgksu-sudo
- $log $chroot $ROOT update-gconf-defaults || true
- fi
- else
- # Configure gksu to use su, via an alternative, if it's
- # installed and the alternative is registered.
- if $chroot $ROOT update-alternatives --display libgksu-gconf-defaults >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- $log $chroot $ROOT update-alternatives --set libgksu-gconf-defaults /usr/share/libgksu/debian/gconf-defaults.libgksu-su
- $log $chroot $ROOT update-gconf-defaults || true
- fi
- fi
- if [ -n "$ENCRYPT_HOME_OPT" ] && [ -e $ROOT/etc/crypttab ]; then
- # Zero out all encrypted swap partitions. It is assumed that
- # passwords are not used beyond this point in the install.
- # cryptswap0 /dev/sda5 /dev/urandom swap,cipher=aes-cbc-essiv:sha256
- while read name device source options; do
- if echo "$options" | grep -q "swap"; then
- if swapoff $device; then
- dd if=/dev/zero of=$device 2>/dev/null || true
- fi
- fi
- done < $ROOT/etc/crypttab
- fi
- else
- # Just in case, clear any preseeded user password from the database
- # anyway.
- db_set passwd/user-password-crypted ''
- db_set passwd/user-password ''
- db_set passwd/user-password-again ''
- fi
- exit 0